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5 Hidden Threats That Could Impede Your B2B Content Marketing Efforts

Recall our insightful blog, ‘Challenges in Technical Content Writing That No One Talks About!‘ If you don’t or haven’t read it, it’s a must-read as it delves into the many challenges that B2B technical content writers face.

This article is an extension of the above and sheds light on the many challenges B2B marketing teams must navigate daily to ensure consistent, quality, and results-driven content delivery. It’s easy to dismiss content as a mere sideline, but consider this: the content marketing industry will soar to a staggering $600 billion in 2024 (Forbes Advisor). And here’s an interesting fact: nearly half (48%) of companies entrust their content creation to agencies or third-party companies, a testament to the value they see in it!

But if content marketing is thriving, why are there still challenges? The answers await you in our blog!

IT/ITeS Marketing: Drowning in Content, Starving for Strategy

Technology buyers/investors rely heavily on online content. This is excellent news for IT/ITeS marketers, right? Not so fast. Many marketing teams fall into the trap of content overload, churning out a sea of generic information without a clear strategy. The result? Confused or disillusioned audiences and wasted resources. Here’s why:

  • No direction: One key challenge is the lack of a cohesive content strategy. Instead of a well-planned approach, teams often scramble to cover every possible topic, leaving little room to evaluate what’s effective and what’s not. This lack of direction can be a significant hurdle to overcome and a huge roadblock to SEO success as well.
  • Quantity vs. Quality: Additionally, generating content just to have content creates a buffet of mediocrity. Tech buyers crave in-depth insights, not a mountain of fluff.

IT/ITeS marketers face a resource crunch, too. Creating high-quality ebooks and whitepapers, crucial for communicating complex details and maintaining consistent output of value-adding articles, is time-consuming. Here’s the dilemma:

  • Internal Expertise: In-house teams may lack the writing chops to create compelling content.
  • Workload Juggling: Focusing on product development often leaves marketing on the back burner.

We’ve exposed the content marketing struggles plaguing many IT/ITeS marketing teams – lack of strategy and resource constraints. But there’s more lurking beneath the surface. These lesser-known challenges often fly under the radar, creating roadblocks to a truly successful content strategy.

Why? Because the issues we’ve discussed are more readily acknowledged, with companies actively seeking solutions. The lesser-known challenges, however, lurk beneath the surface, hindering progress without getting the attention they deserve.

Let’s dive deeper into these hidden hurdles.

The Hidden Challenges in IT/ITeS Content Marketing

Here’s a look at the hidden obstacles sabotaging your content strategy.


  • The shifting sands of priorities: Tech moves fast, and so do priorities. Last-minute changes, unclear briefs, and conflicting demands from managers can leave your content roadmap in shambles.
  • Stakeholder showdown: Ever feel like everyone has an opinion on what “good content” means? You’re not alone. Lack of consensus from stakeholders can leave your content direction blurry and your audience confused.
  • Collaboration concerns: Great B2B content thrives on collaboration. But what if other departments aren’t on board? Without insights from customer-facing teams, subject matter experts, and product development, your content might lack the depth and value your audience craves.
  • The AI mirage: Generative AI-powered content creation is tempting, but transparency is key. Will search engines like Google recognize and penalize AI-generated content? Worse yet, will readers feel misled by something that lacks authenticity? Many fall for the AI trap and sacrifice trust for efficiency.
  • Juggling multiple vendors: What if your in-house or vendor team has limited capability? Your content agency excels at writing, but graphics? Not so much. Back to square one, searching for a designer. Plus, even if they offer design, is it top-notch? Can you risk a mismatch in quality across content types? Finding the right fit takes time and trial-and-error. Are you ready for that merry-go-round?

These hidden hurdles may be more frequent than you would like and can ambush even the most well-intentioned content strategy. So, how do you break free?

Kalpins Has Got Your Back!

Kalpins Marketing Solutions can be your weapon against the struggle to create impactful content. We’re not just a team of tech-savvy storytellers; we also understand your industry and products and, more importantly, the better-and-lesser-known struggles of designing and delivering result-driven content strategies. We value your challenges and are here to help you overcome them.

Partnering with Kalpins Marketing Solutions means conquering the hidden challenges in tech content marketing. Here’s a glimpse of the value we bring to the table.


While AI is making waves, Kalpins Marketing Solutions believes in the power of human expertise. Jeff Bezos himself said, “What’s not going to change in the next 10 years? is a critical question than what will.” (We couldn’t agree more, Mr. Bezos!)

The authority, experience, narrative, strategy, and connection that humans bring to the table are not yet possible with AI. That’s precisely what we invest in our content delivery (in addition to evergreen content basics like original research and topic clusters to amplify SEO).

Did you connect with what you just read? Are you looking for content with a human touch? Contact Kalpins today! We would love to assist your marketing team in achieving its milestones.

Let’s connect to see if we are a good fit!

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